
Saturday 12 January 2013

An Excellent Blogsite - The Simplified Witch

Greetings everyone,

I thought I would today share with you an excellent blogsite featuring many useful and enlightening articles. This site is run by Lavender and is a veritable goldmine of articles relating to witchcraft and all manner of related spiritual goodness. If you are in anyway interested in the Craft then I cannot speak highly enough about this site. I for one love it and learn something new with each visit, and you will find Lavender to be not only a very skilled and informed witch but a lovely lady too. Please swing by on your travels - whether you are a novice or an experienced practictioner you will gain something from her site I promise you.

Blessed Be )O(


  1. Awww...Thank you so much! Lavender

    1. You are most welcome...and thank you for your wonderful website and such enlightening articles of interest. Blessed Be )O(

    2. "Greetings kind Lavender... I just came upon your site on behalf of my fellow Blogger friend TheWoodElf Thanx for honouring our Sacred Moon and the Goddess in such an inspirational way... and thanx to you TheWoodElf! Keep up the sacred fire as always... Bright blessings ☼"

    3. Hi Brother, I am most glad you like my friend Lavender's blog. She is very knowledgeable and a lovely person too. Blessings of the Lord and Lady be with you Eliseo )O(
